An acetate piece held between metal structures: the contrasting masses and interplay of three colors achieve objects of great design integrity. As we researched this concept, the walls of our studio were covered in images of Modernist architecture and design. The inspirations motivated us to give free reign to the possible conversation between function and aesthetic. Last but not least, we made sure to give the material a more welcoming, more contemporary than retro touch, using tortoise, marble finishes and audacious gradations. The bold and graphic result is at once demanding, innovative and feminine. Lines passing on and behind the surface give a sense of transverse movement and dense undercurrents. The arches that morph into the temples give both fluidity and structure from front and side. RECTO VERSO’s presence comes from the regularity and heft of the acetate, from the detail of tight lines and the 1950s coloring. The purity of construction, the assembly of materials and the finishes combine to make them very confident and quite radical frames. Surprising on stage, exciting behind the scenes, these glasses are arty front and back. Lovers of design, contemporary art and collector furniture will know to read between the lines. For all others, two words: be bold!
BARBARA, the gay, optimistic and feminine little cat-eye for small faces. It has a pixie look and easily finds its place among the classics of Anne&Valentin. BARBARA takes escalators backwards, throws open doors and cries of joy, and puts everyone in a good mood.
BLANCA, the panto as lively as lightÂning. The double bridge gives it unÂstopÂpable momentum and conveys strength. It is graphic, unusual, and yet perÂfectly apÂproachÂable.
BIRDY is the concept’s avant-garde. A soÂphisÂtiÂcated round, totally arÂchiÂtecÂtural and already iconic. A deeply round round, susÂpended by a line as clear as the horizon. Voilà .
BETTINA, it’s true, has a willful air to her, and a way of strucÂturÂing the face. She’s serious and busy, and manages projects as well as people – efÂfiÂciently. And with a smile. Cue the applause.